Sunday, June 14, 2009


Hey everybody congratulations hope u guys have a fun and safe summer.. keep in touch through blogger!!!! haha

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Relfection Questions 152-156 on Night


152. Why do you think Ellie Wiesel wrote this book?
I think Ellie Wiesel wrote this book to tell his experiences through what he have gone through during holocaust. He wrote this book to tell people that it’s bad and to make people think that it shouldn’t happen again. He wrote this book so people would know about what happen and what sacrifices that he went through when the Nazis put them to camps.

153. Why do you think he chose Night as its title?
He chose the title Night because of what he had gone through that he tells in this book, it feels like everytime and everything is nightmare. Even if it’s daytime it’s like always darkness.

154. How does Ellie change as a result of his experiences in the concentration camps?
Elliezer Wiesel had changed from this experience. He had changed because now he can’t certain things that make him remind of this experience. It’s harder for him to live now he had a very evil past from going through concentration camps.

155. How does Ellie finally come to terms with his ordeal?
He finally come to terms with his ordeal by telling people what had really happen to him and expressing his feeling. He come to his ordeals by sharing his experience and how bad it really was and to try to prevent it from happening again.

156. Give examples of issues in Night that still arise today and what do you think should be done about genocide?
Some examples of issues in Night that still happens today is the genocide like in South Africa and North Korea. In Africa white people are killed because of their color, same as the Night, some are killed because of their races, being jews, homosexual and gypsy. In North Korea some people are killed just because of their political beliefs and other beliefs. What should be done about genocide is to be stop. It should be a law around the world that the genocide should be stop, by making a law of stoping racism, another law that should be made is freedom. By stoping racism genocide can be stop in other places who have some racial issues. By making laws about freedom in some places genocide can be stop by some people that can express their own beliefs. It could be freedom of their religion, whatever religion they have should be respected and the other thing about freedom is expressing their belief, politically or any kind of their belief, it can be if they have their own cultures. This is what should be done about genocide.

Here are some places where genocide is happening right now:

Uganda – They have genocide in Uganda, they have a particular place where they kill them, it’s called the Luwero Triangle. People were killed killed in large numbers everyday, and everytime people were killed they take their skulls and just leave it there. Even today they still have the skulls in the Luwero Triangle.

North Korea – The genocide in North Korea is different than the others. They kill them because of their political beliefs. If their ancestors have problems or against the other politicians even from before, they kill them instantly.

Teso – In Teso, Africa they were killed because of the color of their skins, if they are African they have to be black if they are white they make them suffer and if they don’t want them anymore they put them in wagons and suffocate them.

South Africa – In Africa they kill the woman or anybody they want if they don’t do whatever they want them to do. It’s Lust for Power. If they don’t follow their desires then they should be killed.

Sudan – Sudan and the other places somewhere in Africa near it they have genocides. In Sudan they kill them and put them to camps because of their political beliefs, poverty and ethnic differences. In Africa in Sudan what they do to women is circumsize them so they wouldn’t have any sexual pleasures. They made everybody suffer and then kill them when they don’t like them no more.

The genocide also happens in some places other than Germany during WWII. In the other 5 places like Uganda, North Korea, Teso, South Africa and Sudan. In these places there are some similarities and also differences. Some similarities is that they kill them just because of their religious beliefs and political beliefs and races. But the difference like in this places and the Night is the thing how they kill them and the ways to make them suffer. Like in Night they put them to camps and kill them in cremation and poison chambers. In other places they just automatically kill them or do anything they want to them.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Page 832

1. The families must obey strict rules to avoid dixcovery. Which rules would be hardest for you to follow? Why?

The hardest rule for me to follow would be the thing that we can’t make noise during the work day and time. Because if it’s like the whole day no talking the way I do I can’t live right. Everyday I have to talk to way I do and have fun.

2a. In scene 1, what objects does Mr. Frank find in the secret room?

He found the scarf hanging and the white glove in the room.

2b. How are these objects connected with the rest of the act?

These objects connected to the story because it shows that somebody has been in the same room and hiding place that they are going to.

3a. What special meaning does Hanukkah have for the families?

For them the Hanukkah is like the day of giving, where the families celebrate and give gifts to each other.

3b. What do Anne’s presents show about her?

It shows about her that she has the spirit to celebrate even if they are in a hiding place in danger and she still makes them feel the day of Hanukkah.

3c. why do others react with enthusiasm to their presents?

Because it make them feel the presence of Hanukkah and make them feel like it’s Hanukkah and it’s the same even if they are in hiding.

4a. With a partner, discuss Mr. Frank’s statement, “There are… no locks that anyone can put on your mind.” How does Anne prove that this is true?

She is open-minded and she still feel free about her opinions and nobody can tell her what to do and what to think.

5a. What is the historical cause that foces the Franks to go into hiding?

Because of the Nazis, they are hunting jews and they are killing thyem so they are forced to go to a hiding.

5b. What effects does this situation have on their daily lives?

They always have to follow a rule so they wouldn’t get caught and they have a schedule to follow.

6a. What effects do the Nazis intend the wearing of the stars to have on the jews.

To make them feel more humanized and make them feel as their slaves.

6b. What background information about the war and the Nazis’ treatment of the jews helps you to link this cause with its intended effects?

The Nazis always hated the jews and some other races so they kill them and make them suffer.

7. Complete an organizer like the one shown with examples of dialogue that achieve each purpose.

Reveals character and relationships – Mr. Frank: “Mrs. Van Daan, Mr. Van Daan, Peter.”

Advances the action of plot – Mr. Van Daan: “God Almighty! Do you hear anything” ( they heard a noise down stairs, the green police are there.)

Develops the conflict – Margot: “ No, father, no! There may be someone there, waiting… It may be a trap!

8. After Mr. Kraler asks if Jan Dussel can join the Franks and the Van Daans in hiding, what does the dialogue among the characters reveal about their personalities?

When Mr. Frank let’s the Van Daans go in the hiding, that shows that Mr. Frank is helpul to other people. And for Mr. Van Daan when Mr. Dussel is coming in, he said there is no food enough, that shows that he is being selfish and don’t want to help. And in the end he’s the one stealing the food.

Page 870

1. What do you like best about Anne Frank? How would you like having her as a friend?

What I like the best about her is that she talks a lot and she’s not boring, she’s just like one of normal kids and I would like to have her as a friend.

2a. What disturbing news does Mr. Kraler bring on New Year’s Day?

That a guy name Carl about 50 know about them and Mr. Frank, he asked Mr. Kraler how was Mr. Frank so he knows they are in hiding, they think he may be the thief that knows they are hiding and he can trick and turn them in.

2b. What hint does this give about about the ending of the play?

That they are going to get caught because someone is going to try to turn them in, because they are jews in hiding.

3a. What is the time spam of Act II?

It only took about 5 months from the starting of Act II to the end. The Act I took them years.

3b. How have the characters changed since the end of Act I?

Everybody starts to be good at each other and get use to live with each other. They don’t fight each other a lot anymore like how they use to first.

3c. How do you know that Anne has changed?

She’s not that kiddy no more, she’s not talkative anymore and even Peter said it and she seems more mature, not immature.

4a. How can Anne believe that “ …in spite of everything… people are really good at heart?”

She believes that because she doesn’t give up hope and she’s very hopeful. She doesn’t give up and she still believe that people are really good and will not kill them.

4b. What does Mr. Frank mean when he says: “She puts me to shame”?

He means that he feels ashamed of her daughter saying that in their condition in the hiding and she could still believe that.

5a. Mr. Van Daan’s decision to steal food.

The cause of this is that because he’s a big guy and he’s hungry. The effect is that they wouldn’t have anything to eat and they will be hungry and starve to death and only him will live.

5b. Mrs. Frank’s change of heart about wanting the Van Daans to leave.

The cause of this is because she feel bad about what Anne will feel if he leaves then peter leaves. The effect is that they still have one more chance to be good at each other again and they can be better if they stick together.

6. What are some possible causes of Mrs. Van Daan’s attitude toward Anne and Peter’s relationship?

Some possible causes is that she think that they might do something more than just friends and their relationship. She may think that they may do something else and it can be a problem.

7. Living in close quarters has multiple effects on the residents of the “Secret Annex.” List three effects that result from this single cause.

They can’t go outside they might get caught.
They have to be quiet so they wouldn’t get caught.
There’s not enough food for the families in hiding.

8a. On a chart like the one shown, identify the possible motivation behind the actions listed.

Miep Brings flowers and cake to the attic rooms She wants to help the families.
Mr. Van Daan He stole the food in the hiding for everbody. He was hungry and have nothing to eat and he’s big.
Peter Van Daan He starts to like Anne and became really good friends. He likes Anne Frank and they are good friends.

9. What possible motivations might an informer have for telling the authorities about the families in hiding?

The informer might be telling about the families in hiding to motivate the people to know what the life is like and what happen in hidings and how it is.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fifty Things I Know About the Holocaust

1. The word ghetto comes from venice means jewish quarter.
2. In WWII meaning of ghetto changed and it's the city districts.
3. The Final Solution is a plan to murder all the European Jews.
4. There are three types of ghettos.
5. One ghetto is closed ghetto.
6. Another ghetto is open ghetto.
7. The last kind of ghetto is destruction ghetto.
8. They kill jews in killing centers, they bring them to train and transport them and then kill them.
9. The largest ghetto in Poland was the warsaw ghetto, there are 400,000 jews.
10. The last major ghetto were destroyed in Lodz.
11. After the last killing of the last ghetto in Lodz, in 1944, the hunguarians ghettoization began.
12. There are over 440,000 ghettos in Hungary killed some are deported to killing centers.
13. Ghettos are the central step for Nazis, where they control people during Holocaust.
14. Ghettoization is the mass murder of jews.
15. The Nazis used killing centers and it's the best weapon they use for killing.
16. Killing centers aren't like concentration camps and others.
17. Killing centers are the death factories for Nazis to the jews.
18. The number of death in killing centers are about 2,700,000 jews.
19. They kill them in killing center not by hard condition or starvation.
20. They kill them in killing centers by poison gas or shooting.
21. The first killing center is the Chelmno in Warthegau Poland which is annexed to Germany.
22. Not only jews were killed by Nazis in killing centers but also Romas.
23. Romas are gypsies.
24. More killing centers are made because there are more people.
25. The biggest killing centers are in Generalgouvernement, a territory in Poland.
26. The poison gas that they use for killing people was meant to be a gas for mental patient, but it became a poison so they use it.
27. In the final solution that's the weapon they mostly use to kill.
28. They made the poison grenade from poison gas.
29. Zyklon B Pellet converted the lethal gas when exposed to air.
30. The Nazis established 20,000 camps between 1933 and 1945.
31. The Germany and Austria annexed in March 1938.
32. When they annexed the Nazis arrested german and Austrian Jews.
33. After that the German Invasion of Poland in September 1939.
34. The Nazis open forced-labor camps thousands of prisoner died.
35. They died from exhaustion, starvation and exposure.
36. They didn't kill them like in killing centers.
37. The German invasion of soviet union was in june 1941.
38. The total victim of holocaust is about 11 million to 17 million.
39. It started in 1939.
40. It ended in 1945.
41. Beggining of WWII the Germany invaded Poland.
42. The Julian Noga's prisoner uniform jacket were jacket for Poland.
43. WWII ended, 6 million people died even kids.
44. When girls are pregnant they had to give it up.
45. The jews and some other prisoners have trademark so they would know they are prisoner.
46. Polish wear julian noga jacket with P to know that they are polish prisoners.
47. Gas chambers are room that has poison gas to kill people.
48. In the Nazi camps about 6,000 people were killed in gas chambers everyday during WWII.
49. During WWII, Einsatzgruppen is the most popular killing machine.
50. The Holocaust, during WWII it's the years that the ghettoization became more popular and it spread out all over.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and Gretel

The Story of Hansel and Gretel through the father's point of view.

One day in the morning I was cutting the woods in the forest. When I came back the house i didn't get enough lumber and wood so we didn't have that much food. So one afternoon my wife suggested that we don't have enough tree to cut no more so we should just leave the children Hansel and Gretel in the forest so we could just live normal. I said no because I love them so much and I don't want to abandon them but the next day there is no choice so we left them in the forest. I was really sad but there is no choice, but the next day they came back I was happy but my wife is not. So my wife planned to leave them again so we went to the woods deeper in the forest then we lit up fire for them. So we told them that we're going to cut wood then we left them again. Days passed and then my wife disappeared I didn't know where did shego. But after that Hansel and Gretel came back the next day I was happy I gave them a big hug. And we live happily ever after.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Adam's Diary

One Monday noon this beautiful creature keeps on stalking me, she was really beautiful but I was shy that time so I went up the tree and I saw her naked. So then after that she left and she looks sad, maybe it's because i ignored her. On the next day I start to be with her and we are comfortable together. The next Friday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday passed I haven't seen her and it's been sad. When we saw each other again she was trying to be good to me and then she was picking the apple and I told her not to. It's bad. But then she doesn't listen she wouldn't care just for me and then the garden of Eden disappeared. Forty years later we are getting old and then she died. I was sad and I never expressed what I felt about her because I'm too quiet. Now I'm lonely again but I know now that she is in a better place.

Friday, May 1, 2009


The Cat and the Mouse.

Once upon a time, it was winter there was a mouse outside the house the mouse was frozen solid. Then the cat saw the mouse suffering so he helped him and took care of him. When the mouse woke up he was scared because of the cat sleeping next to him and he tried to run away but there is a snowstorm outside so he decided to stay home and try to hide. But when the cat woke up he said "don't worry little friend it's alright, I wouldn't hurt you." then the mouse said "ok." Then they became friends and live happily ever after.

Don't judge the book by it's cover.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Outcast of Poker Flat

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcasts' deaths, who/what would you blame and why?
Uncle Billy
Citizens of Poker Flat
Bad Luck
If I had to blame anyone or anything for the death of the outcasts themselves, I would just blame it on the bad luck. First of all, If everybody thinks it's uncle Billy for getting out and getting all the horses it's probably not his fault because anyways the next day the snow storm was like 20 feet already! Even if they had the horses, they would not be able to make it out, and probably Uncle Billy got stuck to some place and we didn't know what happened to him.
Second of all, If everybody thinks it's the citizens of Poker Flat's fault well it's not because they have been bad, the outcasts. They're prostitutes and bad people and even if they want to change and they really changed, they can't blame the citizens because they have a bad background and nobody would believe them that they're being good now. Everybody thinks they're bad and would never change. For example if you saw a killer and they said they changed would you believe them, help them, and trust them, NO!!! Who would trust them? even if they really changed then sorry, they've been bad and that's what they get.
Third of all, the last one, the outcasts themselves. It's not their fault because they even if they've been like that and they try to change, they wouldn't know the weather would be bad. They have their horses and everything they need so even if they get kick out they're alright. But uncle Billy betrayed them, but they're not sure what, if he just went to do something or try to get something. So it's not the outcasts' fault either.
The only thing left that could be blame is bad luck, they just didn't get lucky that time and it's just their fortune. The bad luck strikes them, they got everything to survive and what they need but it's just been really bad weather and condition. So I think the thing to blame is the bad luck.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

Freedom- The Story of an Hour. This story is mainly about a woman who doesn't have any freedom because of his husband. So one day she found out that her husband died in an accident so at first she was kind of sad. But then after that she thought having a freedom since her husband is dead. She was very happy until when somebody was opening the door and it opened she saw her husband she became very shocked and then died with heart attack. This story is about freedom, for an hour she was happy and thinking she was free from her husband and could enjoy life and thinking of enjoying life but then she died fast for thinking that too much and shock. This is what the story is mainly about and it talks about.

Disabled, Richs vs. Poors- The Blind Man. This story is mainly about a blind man who just go around nowhere and everywhere in the streets. Until one day one guy from the neighborhood got irritated from him and give him a red box of pencils for him to seel for money to buy food. When he was crossing the streets a rich guy got ran over by two cars and people came rushing. But they never payed attention to the blind man crossing the streets. So this story is talking about ableism, how they don't care about disabled people. They went to the rich guy first rather than helping the blind guy. So that's what mainly the story about and what it talks about.

Racism- Desiree's Baby. This story is about Desiree and her husband Armand. And they fall in love then have a baby. But, when the baby comes out it was black, Armand thought it was Desiree so he kicked him out. But he found a letter from his mom to his dad that he was black. So this story is racism to Desiree, and the baby and also slavery.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr. Heidegger's Experiment

I can't believe it! They became young again after they drink the water, I can't believe the experiment worked. When I saw them become young minutes and minutes passed they wanted more of the water and when they became really young like they are in their thirtees they started messing around amaking un of how the way they look and dressed old. They started acting goofy and acting high. They also started hitting on Widow Wycherly and one is holding both of her hands and the other one is holding her waist and the third one is touching her hair. But when I see them throught the mirror they look old. They also almost fought each other like before just for Wycherly. So I think the experiment of giving them a second chance didn't work. They are still the same, hustler, drunk, ruined politician and loose woman or a bustdown. They are just being greedy and want to be young again and do the same thing. They all didn't deserve a second chance because they never changed they only learn to be greedy. They all never learned their lesson now they look sad and disappointed that they are old and will never be young again.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's Baby, The Sequel

After Armand read the letter he was shocked that he learned he's black, he's a slave. He went crazy and look for Desiree, but he couldn't find her and since she was very mysterious and nobody knows anything about her background she was lost and nobody would know where she is. Armand went crazy and killed each slaves one by one. After he killed the last one and there are no more slaves working for him, he ran away where nobody would find him. After 3 years he was still the same color as he is so he went back to being a slave owner. When one of his friend saw the letter he told all the slaves and the slaves revolted against him. So the slaves beat him up and make him a slave too so his friend became their owner. He lived as a slave and remember about Desiree and feel sorry for what he have done to her but now he can't do anything. After a year working for his friend he saw his wife Desiree and his friend and they are married. He was shocked! he started talking and saying something to Desiree and apologizing for what he have done to her before. But now Desiree doesn't believe her, he's black now. But Desiree think for a second, he thought she was black and their baby is black so he's black, maybe it is Armand, and he can talk good and read. But then for what he have done to her she didn't care and just cried painfully. In the next day Armand died, he suicide and Desiree killed herself too.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given the choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter, would you do it, especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporarily? Why or why not? Use examples from the story.

If I were given a chance to have an operation that would make me smarter for temporarily I would not do it. First of all, I knew the effect that it would be just temporary so when I get smart then it would be cool but then I wouldn't know when I will be back to my real intelligentl. So the thing is that when I'm smart it would be really good but then when I get back to normal it would feel different and I would feel dumb. Do you ever want that to happen to you? Once you know the things you know then you become smart and know everything and then you start to forget everything only the things you already know. That would feel weird and you will feel dumb and you wouldn't have the same confidence you had before when you know things. When I said confidence it's by mean that for example you're a student and you're good and you understand things and you know to answer things and then you become smart then the same again you would feel dumb and wouldn't have the same confidence to answer things. Because you will think you're wrong and you feel dumb then it would be harder you will feel dumber than before.

Another example why I wouldn't do the operation is I wouldn't risk being myself right now to be smart then feel the same then feel a little dumber. I wouldn't risk being smart if I don't know what would happen, I know it's temporary but what if the operation was wrong? Let's say you want to be smart to know everything and try to experiment yourself to be permanently smart, what if it goes wrong and you became dumber or not know anything, I wouldn't risk my intelligence to be smart and try to be like that, I would rather be the same. I wouldn't try to experiment myself if I wouldn't know what will happen next or what else will happen.

That's why I wouldn't do the operation, because I don't want to risk my intelligence and be dumber. Or even risk my life what if it goes wron and kill me? I wouldn't do the the operation if I had the choice.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapters 8- the end

Explain what this story says about each of these issues. Use examples from the story to support your explanations.

Family- Family is being one and helping each other out until the end. But in this case of the story of the curious case of Benjamin the family is not about being one and helping each other out in better or worse. In this story Benjamin's family is breaking up because of his problem that he was born old and he was getting younger. At first the story says that Benjamin's father didn't like him and when he came back out of war his wife resided to Italy and he just went with his son Roscoe.

Age- In this story the age matter in alot of ways. At first he was born as a seventy year old man and getting younger and younger until to a baby and die. His age was going backwards and when the problem is when he's going to love somebody he's going to get younger. He can't love because his age is going backwards and it's a problem so the age here in the story is really different and affected lots of things.

Beauty- Beauty here matters alot. At first he was an old ugly man and changed into a cute adorable baby. In the story it says that Haldegarde likes a 5o year old man that will take care of her than a young man that she will take care of. And she started not liking him because he looks younger and younger instead of getting old. So beauty in this case reall matters.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Curious Case of BEnjamin Button, Chapters 3-7

After reading chapter 3-7 predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter and give your solution for each.

I think the problems that are going to him is that his wife's father will hate him and try to kill him after the war since they are married together. Then another problem that will happen to him is that he will be younger when he got home of the war so he's wife is not going to like him no more because he's younger now. Another problem that I think will happen to him is that when his wife don't like him no more then they will break up and then he will get younger and younger and nobody will take care of him and just die as a baby by himself.

The first problem is that after the war he gets home and then his wife's father found out about them then he will try to kill him because he hates Benjamin so I think the solution is just go far away after the war then go visit his wife then go to other place aways from her father. The second problem is that his wife might not like him no more because he's getting younger and then they might break up, so I think the solution for that is just to tell her the truth and there's no such thing as aging stuff and it's the truth that he was born old and he's getting younger and younger. The last problem that I think might happen is that if his wife break up with him since she might not like him no more then he will get younger and younger and nobody will take care of him and then he dies by himself as a baby. And I think that the thing to prevent that problem from happening is to try to convince his wife about his problem and it's real and if she really loves him then she would believe him and help him until he dies.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 2

Roger is overly concerned with how Benjamin looks and is worried about what the people are goin to say. What should he do?

I think Roger should just tell the truth about what really happened and even if he's rich it doesn't mean that nothing wrong is going to happen in his family. He needs to accept the fact that he got a son that has a little problem and maybe they could just get use to it and just live normally. It's because for he's rich and he's a good guy and very respectable,doesn't mean he can't have a son with a little problem, but he can't be ashamed of his son it's part of his family and he just need to accept it and don't care what people think. He could just live with him normally and people would get use to it. He's respectable so maybe they wouldn't do anything or say anything about him or his son so he should just not mind it.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Chapter 1

What would you have done if you were Roger Button in Chapter 1?

I would have freaked out like Roger Button and just maybe bring him home and just live with him. I'll just take care of him like his my father since he's old and he knows what he's doing. And just live with him and not treat him like a baby, I'll treat him like my age but take care of him. And since he's old and I had no idea what to do with him I'll just leave him and do what I do everyday and just let him do whatever he wants. And I will just leave him home like a normal old people and not let him go to school or nursery, he's old he knows things. He knows how to talk and do stuff so I'll just live with him normally. He's part of th family.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Science and Math

Science and math
Science is everything
Chemical or physical
It’s what you live by
Everything you see has science
Nothing in the whole world is not science
Chemical or physical
Everything is science
Atom is the smallest thing in science
Neutron is what they made up
Dusts are even smaller than atom
Math is what we use everyday
Anytime any day we use math
Trigonometry, algebra even geometry we use it everyday everytime
How cool you wouldn’t notice that your using it everytime
Science is everything and
Math is what we use everytime
Science is my subject and
Math is my life
Science and math

Monday, March 30, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words.

It was a spring season when I wake up in the morning I heard the chickens, I went out to go to our farm and start to do my everyday work. I feed the chickens, clean the horses and feed the pigs and cows. After I fed the animals I went to the cow and milk them and take all the milk that I got. After that I brought my dog Black Jack and we went to the town to sell the milk that I got to exchange them for money and buy food and drink for my family and then I went home.
When I got home after I got food back and some money, I saw my little kid Bart playing with his new kite with his little brother Millhouse. I went inside the house to give Marge the food so she could cook them and we can eat and my mother Lisa was knitting some cloths. My daughter Maggie was still sleeping like a little baby.
I went outside to play with the kite with my little boys Bart and Milhouse we are having fun and having some laughter.
It's afternoon already Marge called us to go eat "Come on everybody play time is over time to eat lunch." The little kids say " Okay mom." I stayed outside to enjoy the fresh air and walk the cows and pigs inside.
When I was about to come inside I can smell the food bread and Marge made some pie it's potato, and I also heard the dog barking and Black Jack wants some food. Marge made some cheese from the milk that had left for her to make. I was going inside the dining room and Maggie wants me to try the bread that her mother Marge made. Marge said "Homer try some of this Pie and bread and some apple juice" I said " Okay I'm coming." And then I went to there to eat some of the delicious food.
We had a good lunch and everybody was full specially my son Bart he eats alot and my mom Lisa cut the bread for us and had a good lunch. Even our dog Black Jack and Horse Joe Shmoe shared the lunch with us and our farm animals, the pigs, chickens and cows ate some of our good lunch.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1. I hate when people talks trash that they can't do.
2. I hate it when I'm listening to music and people are singing and they're messing up the song.
3. I hate it when people annoys me.
4. I hate it when certain people shout with no reason.
5. I hate it when the teachers and principal say my last name.
6. I hate it when they prank call me.
7. I hate when people say that they're gonna do something but they're not doing anything.
8. I hate it when my sister keeps on singing the batman theme song and she sounds funny and annoying.
9. I hate it when my sister annoys me.
10. I hate it when people keeps on telling me the same thing over and over again.
11. I hate it when people keep looking at me when I'm working.
12. I hate it when I'm doing something and people look at me and breath on my neck, it's ANNOYING!!!
13. I hate it when I'm in bus and some people talk loud in the phone.
14. I hate it when people talk to me like we're two blocks away from each other.
15. I hate it when I'm talking to people and their not listening to me and not answering back.
16. I hate it when people act like they're all that.
17. I hate it when people talk in spanish and I don't understand it.
18. I hate it when girls say I don't know.
19. I hate it when girls say maybe.
20. I hate it when I always wait for the last piece of everything and people take it away.
21. I hate it when I say food and somebody eat it.
22. I hate it when people give me a cup check.
23. I hate it when people do a titie twister.
24. I hate it when people use my stuff without permission.
25. I hate it when people ballhog and they suck.
26. I hate it when I play with suckish people and they mess up things.
27. I hate it when kids put pencil on their ear.
28. I hate it when people wear their pants so low.
29. I hate it when people slap me to wake me up.
30. I hate it when my sister throw COLD water in my feet to wake me up.
31. I hate it when people touches me in the face.
32. I hate when people call me with my last name.
33. I hate it when my sister touches me with cold hands.
34. I hate it when people copy my idea.
35. I hate it when people do what I do.
36. I hate it when people talk when you're talking.

37. I hate it when someone is making his noises with his mouth and beat and stuff.
38. I hate it when they spell my last name wrong.
39. I hate when people change their voices sounding weird.
41. I hate when people hit my back.
42. I hate when people get cocky.
43. I hate when teachers keeps telling you what to do over and over again like they think you're stupid.
44. I hate it when some people make fun of some people when they make a mistake, they're acting like they're perfect I just want to punch them.
45. I hate it when people mumble.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friend's deppest, darkest secret and it would be a hard to keep. One day afterschool I was talking to my best friend Carl and he was smiling and it looks suspicious. Everybody known me as a good smart kid. I asked him how was school he saidit was good and he sounds like he did something. He told me that he got a secret and I said ok but he told me to promise not to tell anybody and I said ok. He was quiet for 30 seconds and he told me that he get in the school's grading system and change our grades to straight A's. I never gotten straight A's I got straight B's and A's but not straight A's. I was scared and then the next day when I came to school, I saw in the school bulletin that I'm in the top 10 in academics in the whole school I was in the 10th place. I felt really guilty and scared and not only that but the progress report was sent home and when my dad saw it he bought me new shoes that I really like and it gives me more guilt that I didn't really have straight A's. I talked to Carl and I said that theguilt is killing me and we should just tell the principal the whole story but he said no and he got mad. I said I'm sorry I promised I wouldn't tell and we're cool again. And after the school I come home and my parents are there waiting with my Uncle and Aunt and they told them I got straight A's so they gave me a new laptop and Ipod. And the guilt kills me more. So then I came to principal in our school Mr. James and I told him everything but then I took the blame I didn't say it was Carl who did it. So he gave me a whole week suspension and I told Carl about it he was sad about what happen and he told me to come with him. After I was with him he went to Mr. James' office and told the truth and he canceled my suspension and gave it to Carl. I felt really bad but then he said it's ok and we're still best friends. THE END.......

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her Mysterious Death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. One morning in May I received a phone call by my boss about a new case. The victim was Mary she was 23 years. Her husband was John and they have been together for at least two years. The case was in May 23, Mary was found in the bathroom in the party. She has a mark on her neck by a string and it looks like she was choked. I think she commited a suicide. Her best friend Jane found her in the bathroom dead.

Mary and Jane had been friend since highschool. They had been really good friends until Mary started to like John and became boyfriend and girlfriend and married each other. Mary didn't know that Jane likes John too. So Mary didn't care because she had no idea. Mary was a really beautiful and succesful women she was rich and has a really good credit and record.

So when it was Jane's birthday on may 23 Mary and John went to the party. I think she planned all this stuff to kill Mary because she doesn't like her anymore. But they are really good friends, best friends. Why would she try to kill Mary just because of John?

The next day after Mary's death I went to go to their house and talked to John and he went to get something to drink. While he was out going to get something I was looking around and I saw a paper in the drawer and a nylon string. I cut a little piece of the string and took it with me after we met and talk stuff with each other about Mary's death. I checked the mark on Mary's neck and it's the same as the nylon string I found in John's drawer. And the police found a bruise on Mary's arm.

So I think i know who the killer is now. It was John so I came back to John's house and I didn't see him he left. So I told the police to find him and they did. I told him about everything I found. So it wasn't her best friend Jane who killed her, it was his husband. He just want the money and the riches of Mary. And when John followed her to the bathroom they are some struggle because I found bruise on her arm.

So John was convicted and was going to jail for the rest of his life. I knew Jane would never kill Mary because they are best friends and she wouldn't kill her for John. Another case was solved by me.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to make logandale better.

What would make Logandale a better school? I think Logandale could be better in three ways. First off, some teachers give detentions for everything you do and they shouldn’t. Second, the food in school should be improved. Third, the teachers don’t listen to you and they should. Don’t you think this would make Logandale better?
First off, some teachers give detention at anything you do. Even if you just tried to help somebody, they will write you up for talking. When they said help your classmates for the work, and you talk to them to help them they will write you up like what happened to me, and I think they shouldn’t do that, that’s what’s making the kids go away. And when you’re trying to tell them something and they don’t believe you, they write you up. When you’re in cafeteria you just come and give them something they want, they will write you up, who wants to get written up for no reason?
Second of all, the food in the school. The food is always the same, some students are getting tired of the food. They rarely change the food, only like ones or sometimes twice a week. And when the principal and teachers ask for your opinion they don’t do nothing. Don’t you want people to listen to your personal opinion?
Third of all, the teachers don’t listen to you. When you get in trouble they don’t listen to your side of the story. They don’t listen to your opinion when you tell them something. That’s why kids get mad at the teachers and they want to go to another school. The teachers should listen to the students. Don’t you want people to listen to you?
In conclusion, there are three ways to make the school better. First, some teachers give dentention at everything you do. Second, the food in the school. Third, the teachers don’t listen to you. Don’t you think this will make the Logandale better?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bernie's Life Story

When I gave birth to my new son I was really happy after he gave me really hard time to give him birth. I already know what to name him because we already planned and we called him Bernie. We got his name from his father. He was a really good baby and he doesn't cry alot. We just take care of him and give him something and he's alright. When he was two years old his father left to go to Chicago. And until he grew up, when he was three years and a half years old he still doesn't talk and it's a really bad problem because I don't know what to do to him if he wants some food or whatever because I'm the only one taking care of him and his brother and sister. I'm taking care of all of them at the same time. He's a really chubby baby, he likes to eat alot. Until he was five years old he grew up strong and healthy and he likes to play alot. He was called toro when he was 9 years old because he was the fastest runner in the neighborhood. Until he was 13 years old his father petition us to go to United States of America. We came to Chicago and he was a really good kid and funny and he was really friendly it was his first day in school and he already has a friend David, Omar, Angel and Edgar which is now his best friends. And he started to play basketball it was his favorite sport. Until now he play basketball and he got another best friend Michael he's also a filipino. And now he's 14 years old turning to 15 years old on April 14, 2009 and he plays basketball.

Friday, February 27, 2009

What I wish Barack Obama to do

What I wish Obama to do is to improve gun control to eliminate crime. With improving the gun control it will eliminate crime. These days, lots of people specially gangs have guns and they get it so easily. Barack Obama needs to improve the gun control so it will be harder to get gun and so the crime will be eliminated or maybe minimized because if gun is hard to get and only police has it crime will be eliminated. Like in some other places in Texas everybody has gun so nobody tries to do crime. Or everybody having guns will also be a good idea because if somebody trying to rob you you could scare them away or shoot them if necessary if they fight back.

So improving gun control to eliminate crime is what I want Obama to do. If gun will be hard to get gangbanger will stop shooting each other and maybe gang violence will stop too if the gun control is improved. Like in Texas there are not really much gang because everybody has gun and everybody is scared to do crime. Improving gun control could be change in different ways, one way is to give everybody gun so there will be no crime like in Texas. Another way is taking gun away from everybody and only police can have it.

If you take the gun away from everybody they probably will do crime like snatching but no killing but if the police have gun they could chase them down and they wouldn’t try to run away because they don’t want to get shot so Obama should improve the gun control to eliminate crime.

The other way is when giving everybody gun and leaning how to use it. Because if everybody has gun they still wouldn’t think of doing crime because if they try to rob somebody the person they tried to rob could just shoot them and if the robber fight back then they will shoot each other and nobody would want to do that they wouldn’t risk their lives for that. Like in Texas having everybody to have gun is working and there is less crime. They would only do crime if there are lots of them but if they get what they wanted they would kill each other because they want to own it their self but everybody think that if they do crime so it will be the same thing as doing the crime by your self. So what I wish Obama to change is improve the gun control to eliminate the crime.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Changing Event

My life changing event is when I met my friends, David, Angel, Omar, Edgar and Tony. They changed my life because they motivated me to play basketball. And if I didn't met them then right now I would of not be playing basketball like I'm playing right now. They taught me how to play basketball and without them I wouldn't discover my talent that I know how to play basketball.

They also changed my life in many ways, when I met them I started to have confidence to talk to other people and not be quiet. Because before I use to be so quiet and scared and shy, but when I met them they taught me how to be confidence and not be shy like before. And they taught me how to have fun and be friendly and not always be by myself. They also change me not to be selfish like before I use to take everything by myself and I learned how to use teamwork and not be selfish. They also change the way I listen to music and I like music, I started liking hip hop and rap and it's cool. Without them I wouldn't learn the cool songs.

But they did not only changed my life in positive ways, they also changed my life in negative ways. They change my life negatively because when I started hanging out with them sometimes they get me in trouble and I do negative stuff with them and I started to be a little bit bad. But it's not really their fault because it's my decision to be doing those stuff I just do it because I know it's fun but it's bad. But they did not really change my life to be bad because I've been bad before but they just told me to be more bad.

So my life changing event is when I met my friends David, Angel, Omar, Edgar and Tony. They are my best friends and my new best friend Michael. They all changed my life in many different ways, the way I think of some things and the way I do some things and my style. That's my life changing event.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parents are the best teachers

In my opinion, I think that parents are the best teachers. First of all, parents are the best teachers because you're more comfortable when they're teaching you . Second of all, parents are the best teachers because you listen to them more, you learn faster from them and you learn easier. My last reason, parents are the best teachers because without them it will be harder to learn from the other teachers in school. And your parents knows what's best for you.

First of all, parents are the best teachers, because you're more comfortable when they're teaching you. You pay more attention to what they're saying and you get along wit them. You feel more comfortable because they are your parents and you feel better with them. And when your parents teach you something you believe that it's good. When your parents teach you something you listen to them more and you learn fast and easy.

Second of all, parents are the best teachers, because you listen to them more, you learn faster from them and you learn easier. When your parents teach you something because you did something bad, you listen to them carefully and you learn from your mistakes and you wouldn't do it again because you know it's bad. When your parents teach you a lesson you learn it fast. When you make mistakes your parents teach you that it's wrong, so next time you would learn and you wouldn't do it again because you know it's wrong. And if your parents didn't teach you anything then it will be harder to learn from the teachers in school.

My last reason, parents are the best teachers, because without them it will be harder to learn from other teachers in school. You learn the basic things from your parents and your parents teach you common sense. And you learn the simple things from your parents they are your first teachers. For example they teach you not to touch a hot thing then you wouldn't touch it because you know it's hot. So who do you think is the better teacher, your parents or your teacher in school?

In conclusion, I think that the best teachers are your parents. First of all, parents are the best teachers, because you're more comfortable to learn from them. Second of all, parents are the best teachers, because you listen to them more, you learn faster from them and you learn from them easier. My last reason, parents are the best teachers, because without them it will be harder to learn from other teachers in school. Don't you think they're the best teachers.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill Everyone Needs

A skill everyone needs to learn is to know how to speak a second language. First of all, learning a second language is very important, is because of communication.Second of all, is traveling to other places. Last reason, is because of job.

First of all, learning a second language is very important, because of communication. You have to learn second language to communicate with other people who speaks another language. If you have Mexican friends that speak spanish you have to learn their language to talk to them because they are more comfortable at speaking their own language. Or if you have a bilingual friend you have to learn their language to speak to them because they're not good at speaking english. Second language is important so if you travel to other country you could communicate to people there.

Second of all, learning a second language, is because of traveling to other country. If you don't know how to speak another language you will not be able to speak to other people. And for example if your a tourist and you are going to a tourist spot and you got lost if you know how to speak another language you will be able to find your way. And if you are from other country and you were moving to another country if you know how to speak their language you will be able to find a job easier.

The last reason why it is important to learn how to speak a second language, is because of job. If you are an immigrant from other country you need to learn how to speak a second language to get a job. For example you are really smart but you don't know how to speak another language you will not be succesful, because if you go to other country and you don't know how to speak their language you will get fired out.

In conclusion, I think that the skill everyone needs to learn is how to speak a second language. First of all is for communication. Second of all is for traveling to other country of moving. The last reason is to get a job easy. That's why learning a second language is really important skill to learn.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Best Day Ever

It was the first day of school in seventh grade, I was in 312 it was my first day in school here in Logandale Middle School because I came from Philippines. When i stepped in the classroom I saw my classmates. I see them talking to each other and I see that they are all friends and they know each other, except me I was by myself and so quiet. After the english class in Mrs. Moynihan, we went to Mrs. Jacobsen's class, the Art class. In my group I met a friend Edgar he was really friendly and we play around and have fun in Art class. After the Art class we went to the math class, where I sit with David Marron, and next to us are Omar Rodriguez and Angel Vital. They are all friends and they were talking to each other I felt left out because i was by myself, and then Omar started talking to me and asking me my name what am I where do I live and we became friends. When it came to Lunch time we were in cafeteria Omar invited me to sit with them, Omar, Angel, Edgar and David. We started knowing each other and then after lunch and then the next class it was the last period with Mrs. Moynihan we were talking and then David just brought up something to talk about basketball, and then I was like do you play basketball? and he told me yeah and asked me do you? and I said yeah too. And they started talking to me about basketball and we started talking about it. And then David told me that he has a basketball court in his back yard. And they told me to play with them so I came. and then after school we went to David's house. and I saw his basketball court and he invited me to play one on one to try to play me and see if I'm good he told me his good and I told him me too. And we play he said we'll see. And then his another friend Marvin, he's filipino too like me and he was going to play with us but David told him that we're going to play one on one so they all watch. He gave me the ball first and then I said aight. I was checking how he move and i saw him going slow so I shoot the ball and made a basket and then it was my ball again and I made another shot. And I became thinking that he sucks and he's short he can't beat me and then I was dribbling the ball to him and I shoot the ball but then he blocked me and I was like damn he's good, he's the beast he's short but he blocked me. But I got the ball back and he stole it and I was thinking he probably just checked me at the beginning and now he's taking it seriously. And it was 4-12 he won and beat me. And after that we became friends and with Marvin too. And we played together and have fun. And he told me that I should come to his house with them and play more often to get better and play good and I said yes. It was the best day ever when I met all my friends David, Omar, Angel and Edgar and from now on we became best friends.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Great Barrier Reef
It is very beautiful
It's in Australia

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her Smile

When I looked at her smile, I knew she was up to something. She walked towards me and ask me what my name is. I told her my name is Bernie and I asked her name too. Her name was Karen, she has a beautiful smile.
I started to know her and we became friends. We became classmate in eight-grade and then one day I saw her smiling again and i knew she was up to something. I want to ask her, but I decided not to. I was wondering what she was smiling at but I can't think of any reasons why she was smiling.
We were walking to the class and it was dark and we don't see any people and then the light turned and the people we saw the class and they said HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I didn't know it was her birthday, so I just told her happy birthday. She thought I planned all this stuff because she's my friend, and that's probably why she was smiling earlier.
And then we became close friends and best friends. And we use to be together in every class and in cafeteria too and we walk together in the school. And that's how we became friends and know her, by HER SMILE....

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things I Want to do in my Lifetime

25 Things I Want to do in my Lifetime

1. I want to play in NBA.
2. I want to have my own family.
3. I want to go around the world.
4. I want to graduate middle school.
5. I want to graduate High school.
6. I want to play in college basketball.
7. I want to go to the moon.
8. I want to eat all the kinds of the food around the world.
9. I want to be one of the greatest basketball player ever.
10. I want to go to the other planet and explore.
11. i want to be a millionaire.
12. I want to actually kill somebody with my bare hands.
13. I want to make a movie.
14. I want to be in NFL.
15. I want to learn to play all the instrument.
16. I want to see all the 7 wonders of the world.
17. I want to see all the animals.
18. I want to win a championship in NBA at least 1 time.
19. I want to play in any college basketball to go to NBA.
20. I want to play every sports.
21. I want to Invent a game.
22. I want to go streaking outside.
23. I want to play in the Olympics.
24. I want to Ski.
25. I want to go bungee jumping.