Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Changing Event

My life changing event is when I met my friends, David, Angel, Omar, Edgar and Tony. They changed my life because they motivated me to play basketball. And if I didn't met them then right now I would of not be playing basketball like I'm playing right now. They taught me how to play basketball and without them I wouldn't discover my talent that I know how to play basketball.

They also changed my life in many ways, when I met them I started to have confidence to talk to other people and not be quiet. Because before I use to be so quiet and scared and shy, but when I met them they taught me how to be confidence and not be shy like before. And they taught me how to have fun and be friendly and not always be by myself. They also change me not to be selfish like before I use to take everything by myself and I learned how to use teamwork and not be selfish. They also change the way I listen to music and I like music, I started liking hip hop and rap and it's cool. Without them I wouldn't learn the cool songs.

But they did not only changed my life in positive ways, they also changed my life in negative ways. They change my life negatively because when I started hanging out with them sometimes they get me in trouble and I do negative stuff with them and I started to be a little bit bad. But it's not really their fault because it's my decision to be doing those stuff I just do it because I know it's fun but it's bad. But they did not really change my life to be bad because I've been bad before but they just told me to be more bad.

So my life changing event is when I met my friends David, Angel, Omar, Edgar and Tony. They are my best friends and my new best friend Michael. They all changed my life in many different ways, the way I think of some things and the way I do some things and my style. That's my life changing event.

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