Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill Everyone Needs

A skill everyone needs to learn is to know how to speak a second language. First of all, learning a second language is very important, is because of communication.Second of all, is traveling to other places. Last reason, is because of job.

First of all, learning a second language is very important, because of communication. You have to learn second language to communicate with other people who speaks another language. If you have Mexican friends that speak spanish you have to learn their language to talk to them because they are more comfortable at speaking their own language. Or if you have a bilingual friend you have to learn their language to speak to them because they're not good at speaking english. Second language is important so if you travel to other country you could communicate to people there.

Second of all, learning a second language, is because of traveling to other country. If you don't know how to speak another language you will not be able to speak to other people. And for example if your a tourist and you are going to a tourist spot and you got lost if you know how to speak another language you will be able to find your way. And if you are from other country and you were moving to another country if you know how to speak their language you will be able to find a job easier.

The last reason why it is important to learn how to speak a second language, is because of job. If you are an immigrant from other country you need to learn how to speak a second language to get a job. For example you are really smart but you don't know how to speak another language you will not be succesful, because if you go to other country and you don't know how to speak their language you will get fired out.

In conclusion, I think that the skill everyone needs to learn is how to speak a second language. First of all is for communication. Second of all is for traveling to other country of moving. The last reason is to get a job easy. That's why learning a second language is really important skill to learn.

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