Monday, March 30, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words.

It was a spring season when I wake up in the morning I heard the chickens, I went out to go to our farm and start to do my everyday work. I feed the chickens, clean the horses and feed the pigs and cows. After I fed the animals I went to the cow and milk them and take all the milk that I got. After that I brought my dog Black Jack and we went to the town to sell the milk that I got to exchange them for money and buy food and drink for my family and then I went home.
When I got home after I got food back and some money, I saw my little kid Bart playing with his new kite with his little brother Millhouse. I went inside the house to give Marge the food so she could cook them and we can eat and my mother Lisa was knitting some cloths. My daughter Maggie was still sleeping like a little baby.
I went outside to play with the kite with my little boys Bart and Milhouse we are having fun and having some laughter.
It's afternoon already Marge called us to go eat "Come on everybody play time is over time to eat lunch." The little kids say " Okay mom." I stayed outside to enjoy the fresh air and walk the cows and pigs inside.
When I was about to come inside I can smell the food bread and Marge made some pie it's potato, and I also heard the dog barking and Black Jack wants some food. Marge made some cheese from the milk that had left for her to make. I was going inside the dining room and Maggie wants me to try the bread that her mother Marge made. Marge said "Homer try some of this Pie and bread and some apple juice" I said " Okay I'm coming." And then I went to there to eat some of the delicious food.
We had a good lunch and everybody was full specially my son Bart he eats alot and my mom Lisa cut the bread for us and had a good lunch. Even our dog Black Jack and Horse Joe Shmoe shared the lunch with us and our farm animals, the pigs, chickens and cows ate some of our good lunch.


  1. i enjoyed reading your story bernie bumlanglang it was awesome keeep up the good work bernie



  3. Like the story, funnier with the names.

  4. i like the story bernie (homer). i like the names

  5. Good Story Bernie!
    nice names lOl

  6. bbbeeessssst frannnnnnd :D
    this story makes me crackk upp.
    i like your simpson names.
    i seee you :]

  7. LOL Bernie I like the names....... It made me laugh a lot :)

  8. oh i forgot "nice job" bernie bumlanglang
