Friday, February 27, 2009

What I wish Barack Obama to do

What I wish Obama to do is to improve gun control to eliminate crime. With improving the gun control it will eliminate crime. These days, lots of people specially gangs have guns and they get it so easily. Barack Obama needs to improve the gun control so it will be harder to get gun and so the crime will be eliminated or maybe minimized because if gun is hard to get and only police has it crime will be eliminated. Like in some other places in Texas everybody has gun so nobody tries to do crime. Or everybody having guns will also be a good idea because if somebody trying to rob you you could scare them away or shoot them if necessary if they fight back.

So improving gun control to eliminate crime is what I want Obama to do. If gun will be hard to get gangbanger will stop shooting each other and maybe gang violence will stop too if the gun control is improved. Like in Texas there are not really much gang because everybody has gun and everybody is scared to do crime. Improving gun control could be change in different ways, one way is to give everybody gun so there will be no crime like in Texas. Another way is taking gun away from everybody and only police can have it.

If you take the gun away from everybody they probably will do crime like snatching but no killing but if the police have gun they could chase them down and they wouldn’t try to run away because they don’t want to get shot so Obama should improve the gun control to eliminate crime.

The other way is when giving everybody gun and leaning how to use it. Because if everybody has gun they still wouldn’t think of doing crime because if they try to rob somebody the person they tried to rob could just shoot them and if the robber fight back then they will shoot each other and nobody would want to do that they wouldn’t risk their lives for that. Like in Texas having everybody to have gun is working and there is less crime. They would only do crime if there are lots of them but if they get what they wanted they would kill each other because they want to own it their self but everybody think that if they do crime so it will be the same thing as doing the crime by your self. So what I wish Obama to change is improve the gun control to eliminate the crime.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Life Changing Event

My life changing event is when I met my friends, David, Angel, Omar, Edgar and Tony. They changed my life because they motivated me to play basketball. And if I didn't met them then right now I would of not be playing basketball like I'm playing right now. They taught me how to play basketball and without them I wouldn't discover my talent that I know how to play basketball.

They also changed my life in many ways, when I met them I started to have confidence to talk to other people and not be quiet. Because before I use to be so quiet and scared and shy, but when I met them they taught me how to be confidence and not be shy like before. And they taught me how to have fun and be friendly and not always be by myself. They also change me not to be selfish like before I use to take everything by myself and I learned how to use teamwork and not be selfish. They also change the way I listen to music and I like music, I started liking hip hop and rap and it's cool. Without them I wouldn't learn the cool songs.

But they did not only changed my life in positive ways, they also changed my life in negative ways. They change my life negatively because when I started hanging out with them sometimes they get me in trouble and I do negative stuff with them and I started to be a little bit bad. But it's not really their fault because it's my decision to be doing those stuff I just do it because I know it's fun but it's bad. But they did not really change my life to be bad because I've been bad before but they just told me to be more bad.

So my life changing event is when I met my friends David, Angel, Omar, Edgar and Tony. They are my best friends and my new best friend Michael. They all changed my life in many different ways, the way I think of some things and the way I do some things and my style. That's my life changing event.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Parents are the best teachers

In my opinion, I think that parents are the best teachers. First of all, parents are the best teachers because you're more comfortable when they're teaching you . Second of all, parents are the best teachers because you listen to them more, you learn faster from them and you learn easier. My last reason, parents are the best teachers because without them it will be harder to learn from the other teachers in school. And your parents knows what's best for you.

First of all, parents are the best teachers, because you're more comfortable when they're teaching you. You pay more attention to what they're saying and you get along wit them. You feel more comfortable because they are your parents and you feel better with them. And when your parents teach you something you believe that it's good. When your parents teach you something you listen to them more and you learn fast and easy.

Second of all, parents are the best teachers, because you listen to them more, you learn faster from them and you learn easier. When your parents teach you something because you did something bad, you listen to them carefully and you learn from your mistakes and you wouldn't do it again because you know it's bad. When your parents teach you a lesson you learn it fast. When you make mistakes your parents teach you that it's wrong, so next time you would learn and you wouldn't do it again because you know it's wrong. And if your parents didn't teach you anything then it will be harder to learn from the teachers in school.

My last reason, parents are the best teachers, because without them it will be harder to learn from other teachers in school. You learn the basic things from your parents and your parents teach you common sense. And you learn the simple things from your parents they are your first teachers. For example they teach you not to touch a hot thing then you wouldn't touch it because you know it's hot. So who do you think is the better teacher, your parents or your teacher in school?

In conclusion, I think that the best teachers are your parents. First of all, parents are the best teachers, because you're more comfortable to learn from them. Second of all, parents are the best teachers, because you listen to them more, you learn faster from them and you learn from them easier. My last reason, parents are the best teachers, because without them it will be harder to learn from other teachers in school. Don't you think they're the best teachers.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Skill Everyone Needs

A skill everyone needs to learn is to know how to speak a second language. First of all, learning a second language is very important, is because of communication.Second of all, is traveling to other places. Last reason, is because of job.

First of all, learning a second language is very important, because of communication. You have to learn second language to communicate with other people who speaks another language. If you have Mexican friends that speak spanish you have to learn their language to talk to them because they are more comfortable at speaking their own language. Or if you have a bilingual friend you have to learn their language to speak to them because they're not good at speaking english. Second language is important so if you travel to other country you could communicate to people there.

Second of all, learning a second language, is because of traveling to other country. If you don't know how to speak another language you will not be able to speak to other people. And for example if your a tourist and you are going to a tourist spot and you got lost if you know how to speak another language you will be able to find your way. And if you are from other country and you were moving to another country if you know how to speak their language you will be able to find a job easier.

The last reason why it is important to learn how to speak a second language, is because of job. If you are an immigrant from other country you need to learn how to speak a second language to get a job. For example you are really smart but you don't know how to speak another language you will not be succesful, because if you go to other country and you don't know how to speak their language you will get fired out.

In conclusion, I think that the skill everyone needs to learn is how to speak a second language. First of all is for communication. Second of all is for traveling to other country of moving. The last reason is to get a job easy. That's why learning a second language is really important skill to learn.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Best Day Ever

It was the first day of school in seventh grade, I was in 312 it was my first day in school here in Logandale Middle School because I came from Philippines. When i stepped in the classroom I saw my classmates. I see them talking to each other and I see that they are all friends and they know each other, except me I was by myself and so quiet. After the english class in Mrs. Moynihan, we went to Mrs. Jacobsen's class, the Art class. In my group I met a friend Edgar he was really friendly and we play around and have fun in Art class. After the Art class we went to the math class, where I sit with David Marron, and next to us are Omar Rodriguez and Angel Vital. They are all friends and they were talking to each other I felt left out because i was by myself, and then Omar started talking to me and asking me my name what am I where do I live and we became friends. When it came to Lunch time we were in cafeteria Omar invited me to sit with them, Omar, Angel, Edgar and David. We started knowing each other and then after lunch and then the next class it was the last period with Mrs. Moynihan we were talking and then David just brought up something to talk about basketball, and then I was like do you play basketball? and he told me yeah and asked me do you? and I said yeah too. And they started talking to me about basketball and we started talking about it. And then David told me that he has a basketball court in his back yard. And they told me to play with them so I came. and then after school we went to David's house. and I saw his basketball court and he invited me to play one on one to try to play me and see if I'm good he told me his good and I told him me too. And we play he said we'll see. And then his another friend Marvin, he's filipino too like me and he was going to play with us but David told him that we're going to play one on one so they all watch. He gave me the ball first and then I said aight. I was checking how he move and i saw him going slow so I shoot the ball and made a basket and then it was my ball again and I made another shot. And I became thinking that he sucks and he's short he can't beat me and then I was dribbling the ball to him and I shoot the ball but then he blocked me and I was like damn he's good, he's the beast he's short but he blocked me. But I got the ball back and he stole it and I was thinking he probably just checked me at the beginning and now he's taking it seriously. And it was 4-12 he won and beat me. And after that we became friends and with Marvin too. And we played together and have fun. And he told me that I should come to his house with them and play more often to get better and play good and I said yes. It was the best day ever when I met all my friends David, Omar, Angel and Edgar and from now on we became best friends.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Great Barrier Reef
It is very beautiful
It's in Australia

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her Smile

When I looked at her smile, I knew she was up to something. She walked towards me and ask me what my name is. I told her my name is Bernie and I asked her name too. Her name was Karen, she has a beautiful smile.
I started to know her and we became friends. We became classmate in eight-grade and then one day I saw her smiling again and i knew she was up to something. I want to ask her, but I decided not to. I was wondering what she was smiling at but I can't think of any reasons why she was smiling.
We were walking to the class and it was dark and we don't see any people and then the light turned and the people we saw the class and they said HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I didn't know it was her birthday, so I just told her happy birthday. She thought I planned all this stuff because she's my friend, and that's probably why she was smiling earlier.
And then we became close friends and best friends. And we use to be together in every class and in cafeteria too and we walk together in the school. And that's how we became friends and know her, by HER SMILE....

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 Things I Want to do in my Lifetime

25 Things I Want to do in my Lifetime

1. I want to play in NBA.
2. I want to have my own family.
3. I want to go around the world.
4. I want to graduate middle school.
5. I want to graduate High school.
6. I want to play in college basketball.
7. I want to go to the moon.
8. I want to eat all the kinds of the food around the world.
9. I want to be one of the greatest basketball player ever.
10. I want to go to the other planet and explore.
11. i want to be a millionaire.
12. I want to actually kill somebody with my bare hands.
13. I want to make a movie.
14. I want to be in NFL.
15. I want to learn to play all the instrument.
16. I want to see all the 7 wonders of the world.
17. I want to see all the animals.
18. I want to win a championship in NBA at least 1 time.
19. I want to play in any college basketball to go to NBA.
20. I want to play every sports.
21. I want to Invent a game.
22. I want to go streaking outside.
23. I want to play in the Olympics.
24. I want to Ski.
25. I want to go bungee jumping.