Monday, March 30, 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words.

It was a spring season when I wake up in the morning I heard the chickens, I went out to go to our farm and start to do my everyday work. I feed the chickens, clean the horses and feed the pigs and cows. After I fed the animals I went to the cow and milk them and take all the milk that I got. After that I brought my dog Black Jack and we went to the town to sell the milk that I got to exchange them for money and buy food and drink for my family and then I went home.
When I got home after I got food back and some money, I saw my little kid Bart playing with his new kite with his little brother Millhouse. I went inside the house to give Marge the food so she could cook them and we can eat and my mother Lisa was knitting some cloths. My daughter Maggie was still sleeping like a little baby.
I went outside to play with the kite with my little boys Bart and Milhouse we are having fun and having some laughter.
It's afternoon already Marge called us to go eat "Come on everybody play time is over time to eat lunch." The little kids say " Okay mom." I stayed outside to enjoy the fresh air and walk the cows and pigs inside.
When I was about to come inside I can smell the food bread and Marge made some pie it's potato, and I also heard the dog barking and Black Jack wants some food. Marge made some cheese from the milk that had left for her to make. I was going inside the dining room and Maggie wants me to try the bread that her mother Marge made. Marge said "Homer try some of this Pie and bread and some apple juice" I said " Okay I'm coming." And then I went to there to eat some of the delicious food.
We had a good lunch and everybody was full specially my son Bart he eats alot and my mom Lisa cut the bread for us and had a good lunch. Even our dog Black Jack and Horse Joe Shmoe shared the lunch with us and our farm animals, the pigs, chickens and cows ate some of our good lunch.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1. I hate when people talks trash that they can't do.
2. I hate it when I'm listening to music and people are singing and they're messing up the song.
3. I hate it when people annoys me.
4. I hate it when certain people shout with no reason.
5. I hate it when the teachers and principal say my last name.
6. I hate it when they prank call me.
7. I hate when people say that they're gonna do something but they're not doing anything.
8. I hate it when my sister keeps on singing the batman theme song and she sounds funny and annoying.
9. I hate it when my sister annoys me.
10. I hate it when people keeps on telling me the same thing over and over again.
11. I hate it when people keep looking at me when I'm working.
12. I hate it when I'm doing something and people look at me and breath on my neck, it's ANNOYING!!!
13. I hate it when I'm in bus and some people talk loud in the phone.
14. I hate it when people talk to me like we're two blocks away from each other.
15. I hate it when I'm talking to people and their not listening to me and not answering back.
16. I hate it when people act like they're all that.
17. I hate it when people talk in spanish and I don't understand it.
18. I hate it when girls say I don't know.
19. I hate it when girls say maybe.
20. I hate it when I always wait for the last piece of everything and people take it away.
21. I hate it when I say food and somebody eat it.
22. I hate it when people give me a cup check.
23. I hate it when people do a titie twister.
24. I hate it when people use my stuff without permission.
25. I hate it when people ballhog and they suck.
26. I hate it when I play with suckish people and they mess up things.
27. I hate it when kids put pencil on their ear.
28. I hate it when people wear their pants so low.
29. I hate it when people slap me to wake me up.
30. I hate it when my sister throw COLD water in my feet to wake me up.
31. I hate it when people touches me in the face.
32. I hate when people call me with my last name.
33. I hate it when my sister touches me with cold hands.
34. I hate it when people copy my idea.
35. I hate it when people do what I do.
36. I hate it when people talk when you're talking.

37. I hate it when someone is making his noises with his mouth and beat and stuff.
38. I hate it when they spell my last name wrong.
39. I hate when people change their voices sounding weird.
41. I hate when people hit my back.
42. I hate when people get cocky.
43. I hate when teachers keeps telling you what to do over and over again like they think you're stupid.
44. I hate it when some people make fun of some people when they make a mistake, they're acting like they're perfect I just want to punch them.
45. I hate it when people mumble.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friend's deppest, darkest secret and it would be a hard to keep. One day afterschool I was talking to my best friend Carl and he was smiling and it looks suspicious. Everybody known me as a good smart kid. I asked him how was school he saidit was good and he sounds like he did something. He told me that he got a secret and I said ok but he told me to promise not to tell anybody and I said ok. He was quiet for 30 seconds and he told me that he get in the school's grading system and change our grades to straight A's. I never gotten straight A's I got straight B's and A's but not straight A's. I was scared and then the next day when I came to school, I saw in the school bulletin that I'm in the top 10 in academics in the whole school I was in the 10th place. I felt really guilty and scared and not only that but the progress report was sent home and when my dad saw it he bought me new shoes that I really like and it gives me more guilt that I didn't really have straight A's. I talked to Carl and I said that theguilt is killing me and we should just tell the principal the whole story but he said no and he got mad. I said I'm sorry I promised I wouldn't tell and we're cool again. And after the school I come home and my parents are there waiting with my Uncle and Aunt and they told them I got straight A's so they gave me a new laptop and Ipod. And the guilt kills me more. So then I came to principal in our school Mr. James and I told him everything but then I took the blame I didn't say it was Carl who did it. So he gave me a whole week suspension and I told Carl about it he was sad about what happen and he told me to come with him. After I was with him he went to Mr. James' office and told the truth and he canceled my suspension and gave it to Carl. I felt really bad but then he said it's ok and we're still best friends. THE END.......

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her Mysterious Death

Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and I was assigned to the case. One morning in May I received a phone call by my boss about a new case. The victim was Mary she was 23 years. Her husband was John and they have been together for at least two years. The case was in May 23, Mary was found in the bathroom in the party. She has a mark on her neck by a string and it looks like she was choked. I think she commited a suicide. Her best friend Jane found her in the bathroom dead.

Mary and Jane had been friend since highschool. They had been really good friends until Mary started to like John and became boyfriend and girlfriend and married each other. Mary didn't know that Jane likes John too. So Mary didn't care because she had no idea. Mary was a really beautiful and succesful women she was rich and has a really good credit and record.

So when it was Jane's birthday on may 23 Mary and John went to the party. I think she planned all this stuff to kill Mary because she doesn't like her anymore. But they are really good friends, best friends. Why would she try to kill Mary just because of John?

The next day after Mary's death I went to go to their house and talked to John and he went to get something to drink. While he was out going to get something I was looking around and I saw a paper in the drawer and a nylon string. I cut a little piece of the string and took it with me after we met and talk stuff with each other about Mary's death. I checked the mark on Mary's neck and it's the same as the nylon string I found in John's drawer. And the police found a bruise on Mary's arm.

So I think i know who the killer is now. It was John so I came back to John's house and I didn't see him he left. So I told the police to find him and they did. I told him about everything I found. So it wasn't her best friend Jane who killed her, it was his husband. He just want the money and the riches of Mary. And when John followed her to the bathroom they are some struggle because I found bruise on her arm.

So John was convicted and was going to jail for the rest of his life. I knew Jane would never kill Mary because they are best friends and she wouldn't kill her for John. Another case was solved by me.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

How to make logandale better.

What would make Logandale a better school? I think Logandale could be better in three ways. First off, some teachers give detentions for everything you do and they shouldn’t. Second, the food in school should be improved. Third, the teachers don’t listen to you and they should. Don’t you think this would make Logandale better?
First off, some teachers give detention at anything you do. Even if you just tried to help somebody, they will write you up for talking. When they said help your classmates for the work, and you talk to them to help them they will write you up like what happened to me, and I think they shouldn’t do that, that’s what’s making the kids go away. And when you’re trying to tell them something and they don’t believe you, they write you up. When you’re in cafeteria you just come and give them something they want, they will write you up, who wants to get written up for no reason?
Second of all, the food in the school. The food is always the same, some students are getting tired of the food. They rarely change the food, only like ones or sometimes twice a week. And when the principal and teachers ask for your opinion they don’t do nothing. Don’t you want people to listen to your personal opinion?
Third of all, the teachers don’t listen to you. When you get in trouble they don’t listen to your side of the story. They don’t listen to your opinion when you tell them something. That’s why kids get mad at the teachers and they want to go to another school. The teachers should listen to the students. Don’t you want people to listen to you?
In conclusion, there are three ways to make the school better. First, some teachers give dentention at everything you do. Second, the food in the school. Third, the teachers don’t listen to you. Don’t you think this will make the Logandale better?

Monday, March 16, 2009

Bernie's Life Story

When I gave birth to my new son I was really happy after he gave me really hard time to give him birth. I already know what to name him because we already planned and we called him Bernie. We got his name from his father. He was a really good baby and he doesn't cry alot. We just take care of him and give him something and he's alright. When he was two years old his father left to go to Chicago. And until he grew up, when he was three years and a half years old he still doesn't talk and it's a really bad problem because I don't know what to do to him if he wants some food or whatever because I'm the only one taking care of him and his brother and sister. I'm taking care of all of them at the same time. He's a really chubby baby, he likes to eat alot. Until he was five years old he grew up strong and healthy and he likes to play alot. He was called toro when he was 9 years old because he was the fastest runner in the neighborhood. Until he was 13 years old his father petition us to go to United States of America. We came to Chicago and he was a really good kid and funny and he was really friendly it was his first day in school and he already has a friend David, Omar, Angel and Edgar which is now his best friends. And he started to play basketball it was his favorite sport. Until now he play basketball and he got another best friend Michael he's also a filipino. And now he's 14 years old turning to 15 years old on April 14, 2009 and he plays basketball.